Anto Clay says, “Property with attached non-commercial woodland is attracting a premium. While everybody previously wanted a pony paddock, an area of mature trees is the new must-have. In these days of stratospheric fuel prices, firewood keeps you warm three times – once when you cut it, once when you split and stack it, and finally when you burn it. Besides, you’ve got to do something at the weekend!”
“And of course woodland is good for the soul. Our desire to immerse ourselves in nature locally is growing, whether that’s bird watching, coppicing, insect spotting, clearing brambles, enjoyable labour, or simply sitting quietly watching the weather and the sky. Woodland is fantastic for biodiversity and attracting a wide range of wildlife. And it’s fun-filled healthy education for your children – while being much cheaper to run than a pony.”
Charlie Rearden of Stacks Property Search says, “If you’re thinking about buying woodland, whether it’s attached to a property, or a separate plot, talk to a land agent who will advise on uses, maintenance, management and kit that will be required, local contractors for the tricky or dangerous work, tax advantages, and planting grants.
“You may want to consider looking at installing a biomass boiler to take advantage of your own fuel.
“Buying a plot of woodland that’s near your home for recreational purposes can work, but beware the romantic notion of constructing a cabin for overnight stays or leaving a caravan on site. This is strictly not permitted. You should be able to construct a shed, but you’ll need to demonstrate that it’s for practical purposes, and that it’s not decked out with sun loungers and a bar! You may be able to camp for the odd night but for pretty much anything more you will require planning permission.”
“The nearer the land is to your home, the more you’ll get to enjoy your own little piece of heaven, planning conservation projects, watching deer, putting up nesting boxes and chopping wood. And providing endless entertainment for you and your family.”
Stacks Property Search, 01594 842880 /