Journalist Resources

Journalists frequently ask us for our opinion on the national and local property markets

We are widely quoted in the press. You can browse a selection of our recent press releases below. We are always happy to help journalists with their research. You can contact Amanda MacCaw at our press office on: 01386 700068 / 07977 238175.

The rise and rise of Birmingham

Birmingham has become a hotspot for companies in a wide range of sectors looking to relocate all or part of their businesses with names such as Goldman Sachs, BT, PwC, BBC3, KPMG, BDO, HSBC and Deutsche Bank moving to the city. George Barkes of Stacks Property Search says, “The city’s central location with excellent connections […]

Dedham Vale in Essex – the new commuter hotspot

Brentwood is famous for TOWIE; Epping for Rod Stewart. Both areas of Essex are highly popular with young commuting professionals. There’s no denying the attraction; an easy commute into the City; great facilities, plenty of culture; and green space and countryside virtually on the doorstep. But prices have been on an upward trajectory for some […]

A London neighbourhood is a wonderful thing…(in praise of the garden square).

Sara Ransom of Stacks Property Search says, “Londoners living on the capital’s garden squares counted themselves as some of the most fortunate during the various degrees of Lockdown. “Garden squares became a lifeline, giving residents the opportunity to enjoy outside space without coming into contact with too many people, and a place to stroll with […]

Will he, won’t he…. Will the Stamp Duty holiday be extended, and if it isn’t, what will be the fallout?

As we approach the March Budget, speculation continues as to whether Rishi Sunak will extend the Stamp Duty holiday. The tax cut is due to end on 31 March. Charlie Rearden of Stacks Property Search says, “The Stamp Duty holiday was intended as a stimulus for the property market, and many buyers were encouraged to […]

Growth of the grey market

At the upper end of the market, there has always been ‘discreet’ marketing, withholding properties from the portals, or sometimes uploading a brief outline with little detail, a general but non-specific indication of location, and no pictures. Agents will contact suitable buyers on their list and aim to sell the property without ever going to […]

Stretched commuting – will the commuter belt ever look the same again?

It’s almost impossible to say what the future holds for the old-fashioned daily commute. For those who can’t work remotely, it’s clearly non-negotiable, but it’s difficult to imagine employers and employees willingly returning to the pre-Covid version of a totally office-based nine to five. Charlie Rearden of Stacks Property Search says, “I suspect commuting will […]

Moving to be near relatives

In the old pre-Covid world, living near relatives was a concept that many home buyers set little store by. Travelling from one side of the UK to the other, or getting to Europe for the weekend, was routine. Grace Jephson of Stacks Property Search says, “It’s hard to believe just how quickly that freedom was […]

Home offices

Dedicated home office space has always been a valuable commodity, but in this post-Covid period, a good workspace has become essential for many buyers. James Law of Stacks Property Search says, where an outside office has been custom built or created in an existing outbuilding, it will certainly add a premium, and where potential buyers […]

Gardens – more essential than ever

In this partially-post-Covid world, gardens have become almost more important than inside space. Amanda Ake of Stacks Property Search says, “Outdoors entertaining has become the norm, and the three months of lockdown has made property owners aware of just how versatile they need their outside space to be – and it’s not all about vast […]

Buying in the new normal world of property

While the property market has been officially ‘unlocked’, buying and selling in the current climate is far from normal. The process does need a lot more thought and a fair amount of finessing. Stacks Property Search advises buyers on how to make sure they’re not allowing the restrictions and protocols to get in the way […]

Homebuyers, get active now.

James Greenwood of Stacks Property Search says, “If you were serious about selling and buying before the lockdown, and are still able to make that move, then you should get yourself actove now as the market os open. “We expect the market to be tight, but those that are in it will be serious, so […]

Coping with Corona

James Greenwood of Stacks Property Search says, “None of us know how this crisis is going to play out, but as buying agents our job is to continue to look after our clients, and others that we deal with, in a safe and responsible manner. To this end, we have effected a protocol that has […]

Thoughts About Lent

Louise Ridings of Stacks Property Search says, “Whether you’re upsizing to accommodate a growing family, downsizing as an empty nester, or moving location, decide at the beginning of the process what you’re prepared to give up, and where to draw the red lines.” Stacks advice…


The uncertainty surrounding the future of phase one of HS2 (London to Birmingham) finally comes to an end. What does this mean for buyers and homeowners whose properties are affected? Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search says, “People having been living with the threat of HS2 since March ’10, and for those with an urgent […]

Mansion Tax

“It seems the concept of a mansion tax won’t go away” says James Greenwood of Stacks Property Search. It was last suggested by the Labour Party who proposed a land value tax on property valued at over £2m. It didn’t go down well then either!”. “While property all over the country, and of many different types would be affected, any mansion tax would hit London and the south east hardest…


“Anyone buying property this winter will be acutely aware of the issues and risks of flooding,” says James Greenwood of Stacks Property Search. “Anything that looks remotely at risk should obviously be scrutinised surgically. “Your first stop should be The Environment Agency and the Flood Maps. The former will tell you the nearest property to yours that has flooded, and the latter will tell you whether the property you are looking at is in an area of risk. 

Property conversations for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a time that tends to encourage thoughts and discussions of the future – the way relationships are going, and long-term planning. Louise Ridings of Stacks Property Search says, “An inevitable result of these conversations is a focus on property requirements.” So for those who aren’t immersed in a takeaway and a Netflix binge of Sex Education, Stacks Property Search has outlined some top line advice for couples who are planning their property futures.

An overwhelming Tory majority will bring confidence to the property market

James Greenwood of Stacks Property Search says, “With a Boris majority now in Parliament, we expect the property market dam to open. This year will see activity levels not experienced for over a decade; there will be more transactions; more stock; and a great deal more excitement. “An end to economic and political uncertainty, combined […]

Property trends 2020

Stacks Property Search’s rundown of what we can expect 2020 to bring, in the country and in London: Country trends: Gideon Sumption of Stacks Property Search says, “One way or another, 2020 will bring some political and economic resolution. Whatever that result is, we will see a rush of buyers and sellers as the bottle […]

Stacks Manifesto

Stacks Property Search believes that property legislation is due for a big shake up. If Stacks were a political party, the following measures would appear in their Manifesto. James Greenwood of Stacks Property Search says, “Most important for us is the identification of the real problem which isn’t so much lack of stock or capacity, […]

Rewilding light

Rewilding is a controversial topic. James Law of Stacks Property Search says, “The concept of restoring natural processes to large areas of the countryside would seem on the face of it hard to criticise, but some see it as anti-farming, and others simply maintain that it doesn’t make any difference. “But numerous projects have attracted […]

Advice for bank of mum and dad

In today’s property market, the bank of Mum and Dad, (and increasingly, the Bank of Gran and Pops), is as relevant as ever with an estimated 60% of first-time buyers receiving some financial help from family members. For most parental (or grand-parental) bankers, the greatest difficulty is generally finding the cash! But Christy Bartlett of […]

Why it’s a mistake to wait…

Brexit is responsible for a great deal of misery, not least in the property market. James Greenwood of Stacks Property Search says, “Vast numbers of people who have a desire or need to move are reluctant to make big buying decisions while we are beset by the uncertainty that Brexit has brought. As a result […]

The psychology of downsizing

Why is it that the new generation of empty nesters are so reluctant to downsize? Nick Wooldridge of Stacks Property Search says, “Property owners continue to hang on to the family home much longer than is necessary – even when the financial and lifestyle benefits of downsizing are crystal clear. “There are obviously very real […]

How to get the best out of property search engines

Most property searches start on the internet, but Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search says, “Online is an aid, not a substitute for an exhaustive property search. Buyers that restrict their research to the armchair are likely to fall into the category of chronic searchers destined to look but never buy. “But at least make […]

New is the new old

Traditionally, period London property consistently outperformed new build in terms of desirability and price. But Sara Ransom of Stacks Property Search says, “We’re beginning to see the tide turn, with a whole range of buyers preferring new to old. “The ‘jewel in the crown’ of new developments, for example, the penthouse apartment, would historically attract […]

Help for property buyers in Suffolk

Frustrated house purchasers looking for property in Suffolk can cut out much of the hard work by contacting Gillie and Anthony Pearce who head up Stacks Property Search and Acquisition’s new office based in the south of the county, near the border with Essex. Gillie Pearce of Stacks Property Search says, “People are increasingly using […]

Fear of relocating to the country (FORC)

The trend for migrating from town to country is slowing, and while much of this can be attributed to economic events and political uncertainty, Linda Jeffcoat of Stacks Property Search believes there is also a growing reluctance to make the big move due to practical and emotional fears such as social exclusion, lack of culture, […]

How to buy a house for your children

The bank of Mum and Dad, (and increasingly, the Bank of Gran and Pops), is old, albeit still very relevant, news. For Londoners particularly, a first-time purchase without help is all but impossible for the majority of under 30s. It’s estimated that over 60% of first-time buyers receive some financial help from the older generation. […]

How buyers should view access land and footpaths

“Property buyers should be aware of issues surrounding public access to land they are buying, and be fully conversant with the implications,” says Craig Fuller of Stacks Property Search. “If you are buying a property that has extensive land included in the sale, it should be a priority at an early stage to find out […]

Successful buying and living together

Valentine’s Day is on the horizon, and love is in the air. But property buyers shouldn’t allow their hearts to rule their heads when it comes to wise joint purchases and living arrangements, says Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search. First time joint purchases: “However compatible you think you are, living with somebody full time […]

Pre-Brexit London opportunities for buyers

Sara Ransom of Stacks Property Search says, “With the continued political uncertainty still holding its grip on the Prime Central London market, there is a general feeling amongst agents and buying agents alike that the pent-up demand will soon bubble over. “A lack of stock as vendors hold on to their properties until April, alongside […]

Property predictions 2019

James Greenwood of Stacks Property Search says, “We expect 2019 to be a good year for the property market as a decision of some sort is made on Brexit. There are an estimated 6m households living in the wrong property and the country needs to get moving. Only an end to the indecision that we […]

Shrewd London buys for 2019

Where to buy: Buying in London is a great deal more relaxed than it once was. “Back in 2007, long queues were forming for anything faintly desirable; these days the buyer is in control, and the process is a walk in the park by comparison,” says Sara Ransom of Stacks Property Search. “The domestic market […]

Why you shouldn’t stop searching in November 

“November is one of the best times of the year to secure yourself a good property at a great price,” says Linda Jeffcoat of Stacks Property Search. “However strong the temptation to suspend your search and get into a festive mood, don’t stop looking. As a buyer, you’re in a strong position at this time […]

Retiring to London 

While London’s urban young are wondering when the right time is to cash up and move out to the country, a growing band of the rural old are considering a move in the opposite direction.  Sara Ransom of Stacks Property Search says, “An increasing number of retired homeowners are cashing in their spacious empty nests […]

Top online resources for the smart property buyer 

  “Once upon a time, the requirements for an extensive property search were a good map, and some seriously robust shoe leather,” says Rachel Johnston. Today, most property searches start digitally, on the sofa, at a desk, or on the train.   “At Stacks, we have always warned against spending too much time online. Property simply […]

Property Valuation – get the professional view

  Valuing is unquestionably an imprecise art. James Greenwood, managing director of Stacks, says, “Over valuing occurs for several reasons. Estate agents can find themselves in a tricky position, trying to win an instruction when competing in some kind of beauty parade. Over valuing may be the only way they can take the instruction. Alternatively, […]

What exactly is a carbon zero home – and why can’t we have more? 

 “When the requirement for EPCs became law for those selling a property nearly a decade ago, they were largely ignored by buyers,” says Louise Ridings of Stacks Property Search. Today, as householders find it increasingly challenging to meet household bills, and with fossil fuels declining, the little graph on the back of property particulars receives […]

How not to be one of the 36% of property transactions that fall through 

Sally Fraser of Stacks Property Search says, “About a quarter of fall throughs are for material and understandable reasons, such as broken chains, finance issues, dramatic discoveries such as subsidence, and changes of circumstances such as death, separation or loss of income.  “About 10% can be put down to lack of commitment or changes of […]

Wishlist Misfits – Why don’t we buy what we thought we wanted? 

Rural property buyers tend to have a clear list of ‘must haves’, but Sally Fraser of Stacks Property Search says, “Many of these priorities aren’t clearly thought through. Buyers often spend too long being unprepared to compromise on these requirements, but wind up buying something that doesn’t meet the criteria much further down the line.   […]

How to choose an architect 

  Linda Jeffcoat of Stacks Property Search says, “Obviously the best way to choose an architect is by recommendation. You may know someone personally who has used one, or you may have passed a project in the street you like the look of. Don’t be afraid to ask how they got on with the architect.  […]

Can a garden be too big? And when is a garden too small? 

Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search says, “We often hear that ‘a garden should be the right size for the house’. We’ve done our best to establish exactly what that means.  “When it comes to gardens, size is very important. A good starting point is to establish a stand-out example of what isn’t big enough. […]

Cheap-sizing – how to buy for less without settling for less space 

“An era of austerity has led to many homeowners looking to their property to provide finance for school fees, setting their children up with a deposit for a home, retiring, divorcing, or any other of a range of the countless pressing needs for cash. But releasing capital doesn’t have to involve downsizing,” says Nick Wooldridge […]

What shouldn’t worry rural buyers – and what should! 

“Urban buyers, looking for a rural property, are often horrified to discover that services they thought were universal are sometimes unavailable at their new dream home,” says Clare Coode of Stacks Property Search.  “Mains gas is frequently unavailable at rural properties; some properties rely – partially or fully, on non-mains water; 80% of rural properties […]


Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search says, “Nobody likes a gazumper – even the selling agents who stand to make more money out of a bigger deal. But they know that gazumping causes huge disruption, and risks the deal going badly wrong.    “A gazumper is most likely to be a disorganised person who has […]

Buying new build 

Sara Ransom of Stacks Property Search says, “Buying new build property can have many benefits other than the obvious- such as everything being brand new and ‘un-touched’ but more often than not will mean that you have the latest technology, not having to worry about refurbishing expensive structural items such as roofs and windows as […]

Who owns it? UK land and property registration

“One of the reasons why the UK has one of the most highly valued property markets in the world is that we have the means to determine ownership with very little doubt,” says Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search. Compare this with, for instance, Spain, where security and accuracy of title is hard to establish.  […]

Bungalows – the holy grail of the property market 

High demand for single storey properties, coupled with declining supply, means that in many areas, bungalows demand a significant price premium.  Bill Spreckley of Stacks Property Search in Sussex and Surrey says, “The price of the humble bungalow will continue its march upwards as it achieves rarity value. More and more have been knocked down […]

Why almost everybody needs an annexe 

Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search says, “An annexe is the most useful aspect of a property a homeowner can have. But I use the term ‘annexe’ in the loosest sense. The more separate and self-contained the better, but as long as it’s space that’s self-contained in terms of bedroom/bathroom/very basic kitchen that might just […]

“Salt and Pepper” Buyers – what property should you buy in your 60’s and 70’s?

What ‘more salt than pepper pound’ buyers should be thinking about  Buying a property that suits you in your 60s and 70s, that will continue to meet your needs in the years beyond, is a challenge that is being faced by more and more buyers as the baby boomers come of a certain age.  Bill […]

Sensitive Surveys

James Greenwood of Stacks Property Search says, “My top tip is to love your survey and your surveyor. For those unrepresented by a buying agent, the surveyor is the first property professional you will speak to who represents you, and is looking after your interests.    “Surveyors frequently flag unforeseen issues. A recent example is […]

On your bike… where to buy in London for cyclists

London is becoming increasingly cycle friendly. Initiatives introduced by Boris Johnson when he was Mayor of London are encouraging commuters off public transport and onto two wheels. TfL estimate a 5% year on year increase in cycling journeys within central London’s congestion charge zone.  Emma Hanks of Stacks Property Search says, “Unlike leisure cyclists who […]

Stay cool – buying a property that won’t overheat

Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search says, “Most British houses aren’t designed for high summer temperatures – we’re more focused on how to keep properties warm! But a house that’s difficult to keep cool in a heatwave can be a miserable thing, so there are warning signs to look out for when buying, and things […]

The holy grail of London gardens

What makes a perfect London garden? Sara Ransom of Stacks Property Search says, “In prime London, a flat, square, well-screened garden facing west or south west, with the width of the house opening directly onto it, makes a near perfect arrangement. “But increasingly popular amongst London buyers are the Capital’s garden squares – all the […]

Buying for Exam Success

If you’re yet to go through the nail-biting lead up to August exam results, and you’re wondering how to increase your offspring’s chances of success, consider some property buying advice from Stacks Property Search. Amanda Ake of Stacks Property Search says, “Buy a property that’s in the middle of nowhere, no bus routes, no neighbours, […]

Sealed Bids- Is it time for a replacement system?

  “Sealed bids are a device used when demand significantly exceeds supply, especially for a ‘special’ property”, says George Barkes of Stacks Property Search & Acquisition’s Cotswolds office. When there are three or more parties interested in a property, purchasers are often invited to submit their best and final offer by a certain time and […]

Are you a chronic property searcher?

Most property searches start on the internet, but Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search says, “Online is an aid, not a substitute for an exhaustive property search. Buyers that restrict their research to the armchair are likely to fall into the category of chronic searchers, destined to look but never buy.”  “Firstly, remember not all […]

Decision time for returning Expats

Bill Spreckley of Stacks Property Search says, “For expats, returning to the UK can be a daunting prospect after a posting overseas. Depending on how long they have been away, they can be out of touch about many aspects of UK life, property and schooling being the most frequently cited areas of difficulty. “In the […]

What to do to sell in 2019

If your plans for 2019 include home improvements with a view to selling, here’s what you should and shouldn’t be doing for maximum return: Clare Coode of Stacks Property Search says, “Don’t waste your money on expensive designer kitchens and bathrooms. Go for simple, basic products, and add a touch of gorgeousness in the shape […]

Single Buyers

Rachel Johnston of Stacks Property Search says, “More and more of our clients are single buyers. Buying on your own isn’t necessarily more or less difficult than buying as a partnership, but it is different. Young singles: “Due to the high cost of getting onto the property ladder, many young singles are tempted to buy […]

Combating rural loneliness through careful property purchase

Loneliness is becoming an increasingly pressing problem. It can be incredibly detrimental to physical and mental health, and is a condition that affects people of all ages. Linda Jeffcoat of Stacks Property Search believes that it is an issue that everybody should consider when buying property. She says, “For some people it’s hard to imagine […]

How long does it really take to buy a house?

Recent research has revealed that property viewers take, on average, 27 minutes to decide whether to buy a property. But Linda Jeffcoat says, “While it may be accurate, this is a misleading figure. The time that has been invested in order to make that decision is considerable. “For buyers to find themselves in a strong […]

Don’t be an April Fool – don’t wait for the price to come down

Valuing is unquestionably an imprecise art. James Greenwood, managing director of Stacks, says, “Over valuing occurs for several reasons. Estate agents can find themselves in a tricky position, trying to win an instruction when competing in some kind of beauty parade. Over valuing may be the only way they can take the instruction. Alternatively, they […]

On your bike…

London is becoming increasingly cycle friendly. Initiatives introduced by Boris Johnson when he was Mayor of London are encouraging commuters off public transport and onto two wheels. TfL estimate a 5% year on year increase in cycling journeys within central London’s congestion charge zone. Emma Hanks of Stacks Property Search says, “Unlike leisure cyclists who […]

Success story

Newsletter Autumn  2016 Alex and David had been looking for an equestrian property for a couple of months when they came to Stacks. They had seen quite a few but there were always problems – not enough land, too much land, no stabling, no outriding.  Finding exactly the right equestrian property is never easy. Stacks […]

Three Ds (and an S)

Newsletter Autumn 2016 Linda Jeffcoat of Stacks Property Search in Wiltshire discusses the sometimes tricky business of buying from separating couples. It used to be the case that D for Divorce was one of the three main drivers of the property market, but these days, a significant number of properties are coming onto the market as […]

First independent buying agent to be accredited by the RICS

Newsletter Autumn 2016 Stacks Property Search & Acquisition has become the first independent buying agent to become a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).   We are very proud to be members of the RICS. It’s a recognition of how we are at the forefront of rising standards and levels of service in […]

Safe journey to completion

Newsletter Autumn 2016 Reasons for sales falling through vary, but one thing is for sure, the faster you can get to exchange, the less opportunity there is for second thoughts, changes of mind, gazumpers and gazunderers, says Bill Spreckley of Stacks Property Search in Hampshire and West Sussex. A study from the Nottingham Building Society finds […]

Success story

Newsletter spring 2016 Tom and Gemma  were beginning to burst out of their 3 bed (plus boxroom) detached house in South-West London, when they first came to see us. It has been ample with two kids, but now they had three, it had become a bit of s scrum. They book in to one the […]

Budget vs Bespoke – How your home can make the best impression

Newsletter spring 2016 With home improvement budgets, especially those dedicated to getting your house ready to sell, under pressure, when is it best to opt for cheap chic, and when should you elect a more customised approach? Linda Jeffcoat of Stacks Property Search Wiltshire office suggests a strategic combination that will pay respect to pressurised […]

The Seven Ages of Property Buying Man (or Woman)

Newsletter spring 2016 There are enormous financial rewards to be gained for those buyers who plan for the future at an early stage of the house-buying process, says Amanda Ake of Stacks Property Search Bristol & Somerset office. How many times do you anticipate buying and selling a property in the course of your life? […]

How to spot potential – and bag a bargain

How to spot potential – and bag a bargain Thrift is the new buying trend. Linda Jeffcoat, director of Stacks Property Search in Wiltshire, explains how to spot property that offers potential for growth. Spotting weaknesses that can be fixed, for example: Badly laid out property that can be re-configured. Surgical examination of floor plans […]

When is a good time to buy Uk Property?

James Greenwood, managing director of Stacks Property Search, explains how to recognise when you should buy property for purchasers in both London and the country. Good news for buyers. London purchasers are in a much stronger position and have time to think and plan. And while the country market looks like it’s poised for some […]

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