Bury St Edmunds Property Finders

Bury St Edmunds is a historic jewel in Suffolk’s crown that over the millennia it has seen tragedy, drama and greatness in equal measure. As such Bury St Edmunds’ architecture reads like a 3D map of the past, and among the old, you’ll find the new: independent eateriesart galleries and more.

Bury St Edmunds’ most famous landmarks are its impressive abbey ruins and their adjoining gardens. Once a great monastery, the abbey was built around a shrine to Saint Edmund, which for centuries was a point of pilgrimage for peasants, kings, and everyone in between.

Other historical sites include St Edmundsbury Cathedral, the only cathedral in Suffolk, and The Angel Hotel, a Georgian coaching inn frequented by Charles Dickens on his trips to Bury St Edmunds. Apparently, his favourite four-poster is still in use today!

Bury St Edmunds Theatre Royal is a must-visit for theatre lovers and history buffs, being the only surviving Regency playhouse in Britain. Once inside its hallowed walls, you can experience what going to the theatre was like in pre-Victorian times.

Bury St Edmunds is also a great place for beer drinkers; just a stone’s throw from Bury St Edmunds Abbey is the Greene King Brewery, where you can discover the secrets of the brewing process on a guided tour. There’s also the Old Cannon microbrewery to visit, and plenty of pubs, including The Nutshell, which at 15ft by 7ft is officially the smallest pub in Britain!

Foodies and shoppers will also find their fill in Bury in St Edmunds, from the twice-weekly market to the boutique shops, cosy restaurants and enticing delis found in the town centre. Frankly, there’s so much to see, do, eat and drink in Bury St Edmunds, you’ll need more than one visit to fit it all in!

Specialising in the Suffolk Region


Aldeburgh is world-renowned thanks to its connection with Benjamin Britten, the founder of the Aldeburgh Festival, which takes place in June every year. 

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Lavenham is the archetypal Suffolk Wool Town. It’s often called ‘England’s Best-Preserved Medieval Village’, containing no less than 340 listed buildings. Today you’re more likely to discover foodie delights

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The village of Kersey is regarded as one of the prettiest villages in East Anglia, straddling a ford (known locally as ‘the splash’) across the River Brett and up the slopes of a little valley. 

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East Bergholt

Poole lives and dies by its harbour, and as everyone knows, “there is nothing, simply nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats”.

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